~Abraham Lincoln

as tomorrow is the republic day of india i am thinking to myself about those who have lead the world into a better situation. every year people all around the world celebrate their national days, or join the elections with the hope of having a better future for their family, city, state and their country. but the fact is that there are few who do their best thoward this vision. i heard somebody saying that "the president is a good man, and he tries all his best but he can't" and i was thinking if he can't to make better changes then the best he would do is not trying to be a president and blame himself for wasting the resources either human resource or material resources.
Politicians usually like to play with the words, going through the philosophy of the words to show themselves in a higher knowledge position but the fact is that its just the best way of wasting time.and let me call them cheaters not the leaders.
i belive that if people had read the story of great peoples and how they have affect the society, they could differentiate the right and wrong. and the est way of celebrating the republic days or national days or whatever there are is not to do fireworks or having the cheercy parties but to gather together and read of the great people whom their numbers are few comparing to the cheaters.
and the final wordsof today :
Happy Republic Day India.....
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